My Go-To Health Remedies for the Winter Season…or All Year!

by | Dec 6, 2012 | Blog, Fitness, Health

I am in close proximity with people every day, and just like you, I come in contact with people that are sick as a result. No one wants to get sick or feel crappy, and with most jobs these days you cannot stay home and get paid if you feel crappy. Therefore, we cannot physically or financially afford to get sick. I preach that I have an immune system of steel, and trust me, it wasn’t always that way. Through lots of research, trial and error, and speaking with a Naturopathic Doctor, this is what I have learned over the years and has become my secret weapon to health:

  • Oil of Oregano.  If you know me, you know I am a huge advocate of this.  I swear by it.   Ever since this was introduced to me by a Naturopath 5 years ago, I have only been sick twice (last year) and I’m sure that was stressed induced.  If I feel the sniffles coming on, I take it for a couple days, have a good sleep, and whammy – my stellar immune system is rocking again.  You can buy this at any health food store, superstore, or some Shoppers Drug Mart’s.  Beyond the advantage it provides of keeping you from getting sick, Oil of Oregano has many health benefits. I have also used it to get rid of athlete’s foot, acne, as well as bad bacteria that was sitting in my stomach and preventing me from feel good poops.  I strongly recommend you check out this site if you want to learn more
  • Liquid Vitamins.  So many people are prone to being tired over the cold months.  Taking liquid vitamins religiously has helped me with my energy because my body absorbs them immediately into the bloodstream.  They do not have to go through the digestion process, which means that I absorb more of the actual vitamins into my blood stream and use them properly.  I take a liquid multi-vitamin, liquid B-Complex, as well as a fish oil that is infused with Vitamin D to load up the sun vitamin we’re missing during these months.  I have been using these for years, and swear by them for my health, because it has never been better.  You can find these in your local Health Food Store, and most Superstores hold them as well.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar.  Feeling bloated? Take ACV.  Feeling that water weight from overindulging last night?  Take ACV.  Feeling gassy from the bad food choices at the Holiday party?  Take ACV.  Honestly, it’s the shit.  I have been using Bragg’s ACV now for many years, and it has helped me with all those issues listed above, and then some.  When I feel bloated, gassy, or heavy with water, I take a couple swigs of ACV, chase it with some water, and then BAM, in 15 minutes or sooner, I feel like a new woman.  It can also be used in cooking, salad dressings, as an acne aid, and has been also known to help facilitate in fat loss.  If you want to learn more, check out Bragg’s site.  Check out THIS interesting article on ACV for dogs too!
  • Workout!  Time is tight around the holidays, but it only takes 20 minutes to get your blood pumping, your feel-good endorphins up, and your muscles stimulated.  Working out reduces stress, allows you to have better sleeps,  reduces bloating, increases well-being, strengthens your immune system,  and is a natural detoxifier through the process of sweating.  So get moving, and stop making excuses not to.  I’ve just given you excuses to do it!

Showing you the difference between liking and loving your body,

ashley dale roy

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